

Medicinal Plants with Abortifacient Activity from Ayurvedic Medicine

   RoshniAgriBiotech                       India

RoshniAgriBiotech assesses medicinal plants used in India as traditional Ayurvedic medicine with potential to induce abortions. RoshniAgriBiotech will first review the literature to identify the medicinal plants. The use of these plants as abortifacients will be further assessed by interviewing folk medicine practitioners, and a shortlist of the five most promising candidates will be investigated. Standardized extracts of these plants will be assessed for their medicinal profile by using various laboratory techniques, and those showing potential abortifacient properties will be further tested. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a pill from medicinal plants that is scientifically validated, cost-effective and acceptable to marginalized rural women in India.



Opportunities and early access to abortion services in Profamilia, Colombia

  Asociación Pro-bienestar de la Familia Colombiana (Profamilia)                       Colombia

Profamilia uses the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s social franchise toolkit to improve access to safe abortion care for women in conflict-affected Colombia. This includes: (i) developing a quality-assured network of health care providers trained in medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration, stigma reduction, and legal training; (ii) dissemination of information on safe abortion services amongst people in these communities; and (iii) community empowerment education activities.



At the Reach of Women

  Fundación Oriéntame                      Colombia

Innovator Story: Safe Abortion with Reach: How Telemedicine is transforming Reproductive Health in rural Colombia  

Fundación Oriéntame implements and tests a telemedicine service to provide access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including safe and legal medical abortion, for women and girls in remote areas of Colombia. This will be facilitated by a registered nurse based in a rural area of Colombia under the remote assistance of a physician from the Oriéntame Clinic. The nurse will use an information and communications technology platform to communicate with the physician, therefore meeting the local requirement that abortion medication be prescribed by a physician. In addition to medical abortion, the team will provide contraceptive counselling and screening for sexually transmitted infections.



CHOICE: Communicating to HER Options via Information, Care Coordination & Empathy

  DoctHERs                      Pakistan

doctHERs provides personalized information and guidance around safe abortion services to underserved women in Pakistan, including female factory workers across rural and peri-urban village communities. doctHERs will deploy trusted up-skilled frontline care coordinators, who will use tablets with 4G internet connectivity to connect with marginalized women and girls. The care coordinators will refer them to a nationwide network of established safe abortion providers and family planning services via HD video-consultation.



Addressing barriers to young people access to MR/PAC services and De-stigmatizing Uterine Evacuation/Post Abortion Care (PAC)

  Rahnuma – Family Planning Association of Pakistan                     Pakistan

Family Planning Association of Pakistan provides menstrual regulation and post-abortion care services to women and girls at five clinics in semi-urban areas of Pakistan and through monthly mobile camps. The clinics will provide safe uterine evacuation/post abortion care (PAC) services including counseling, medical and surgical uterine evacuation, treatment of complications, and post-abortion contraceptive services. To reduce stigma related to these services, service providers at the clinics and youth peer educators will be trained on value clarification and attitude transformation and de-stigmatization. The trained youth peer educators will then organize sensitization sessions with local youth and with community members.



Improving Access to Abortion in Georgia

  Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive Health – Tanadgoma

Tanadgoma improves access to abortion for women in Georgia by implementing and testing a simplified one-visit service delivery model, as opposed to three visits typically required to have an abortion. The only visit to a health facility will be for pregnancy diagnosis and counselling. Meeting local legal requirements, five days later, the health provider will receive remote confirmation from the patient about whether they are still seeking an abortion. The provider will then mail medical abortion pills and two urine pregnancy tests to the patient. As such, the medical abortion can be self-administered, and the success can be confirmed without an in-person assessment.



Teenage and Youth Refugee’s Abortion Care Project

  Rwanda Youth Organization for Development                     Rwanda

Rwanda Youth Organization for Development provides friendly abortion care services for women and adolescents in five refugee camps in Rwanda. This will be facilitated through (i) focus groups on safe abortion, misoprostol, and contraceptive use; (ii) an android application, Menyapplication, to disseminate information on safe abortion and sexual and reproductive health and rights; (iii) a documentary film that will be developed and shown in the camps. Public boxes for access to misoprostol and contraceptives will be established across the camps. One camp with particularly high need will also receive monthly training on the clinical management of abortion complications.