

Medicinal Plants with Abortifacient Activity from Ayurvedic Medicine

   RoshniAgriBiotech                       India

RoshniAgriBiotech assesses medicinal plants used in India as traditional Ayurvedic medicine with potential to induce abortions. RoshniAgriBiotech will first review the literature to identify the medicinal plants. The use of these plants as abortifacients will be further assessed by interviewing folk medicine practitioners, and a shortlist of the five most promising candidates will be investigated. Standardized extracts of these plants will be assessed for their medicinal profile by using various laboratory techniques, and those showing potential abortifacient properties will be further tested. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a pill from medicinal plants that is scientifically validated, cost-effective and acceptable to marginalized rural women in India.



Mifepristone 50 mg as a Contraceptive

  Women on Web                 Georgia

Women on Web International Foundation’s innovation is a non-inferiority clinical trial in Georgia, comparing the contraceptive use of weekly mifepristone with the daily use of desogestrel, an alternative non-estrogen contraceptive. The trial aims to establish the efficacy, safety and side-effects of mifepristone as a weekly contraceptive. The long-term goal of the innovation is to register and market mifepristone as a contraceptive and to have this indication included on the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List.



Novel mHealth solution for self-managed abortions for Venezuelan women

  Vitala Global Foundation               Venezuela

Vitala Global Foundation develops and tests an integrated mobile health tool that can facilitate self-management of medical abortion for Venezuelan women living in a fragile setting. The goal of this tool is to guide women through self-assessment of abortion eligibility and abortion success, send automatic text messages to provide support, and include information for referral clinics if needed. Following the principles of user-centered design, Vitala Global Foundation will (i) facilitate interviews with target beneficiaries, engage community-based organizations, abortion experts and mobile application developers; (ii) conduct usability testing for potential designs/prototypes; and (iii) conduct a study with Venezuelan women to evaluate the mobile tool.