
Teenage and Youth Refugee’s Abortion Care Project

  Rwanda Youth Organization for Development                     Rwanda

Rwanda Youth Organization for Development provides friendly abortion care services for women and adolescents in five refugee camps in Rwanda. This will be facilitated through (i) focus groups on safe abortion, misoprostol, and contraceptive use; (ii) an android application, Menyapplication, to disseminate information on safe abortion and sexual and reproductive health and rights; (iii) a documentary film that will be developed and shown in the camps. Public boxes for access to misoprostol and contraceptives will be established across the camps. One camp with particularly high need will also receive monthly training on the clinical management of abortion complications.


Menstrual Regulation and Post Abortion Care on Outreach

  Marie Stopes International                   Bangladesh

Marie Stopes International (MSI) tests efforts to provide Menstrual Regulation (MR) services and post-abortion care through outreach programs across government Family Welfare Centers (FWCs) in three remote districts in Bangladesh. Trained MSI paramedics will rove between the centers to provide this care. Family Welfare Assistants will be trained on values clarification and outreach information provision, and providers at FWCs will be trained on the management of medical emergency cases that may arise. The paramedics will follow up with patients by phone and provide follow-up care at FWCs, including post-abortion family planning and cervical cancer screening to ensure comprehensive care.


Medical abortion via telemedicine for women and adolescents in rural Moldova: breaking barriers with technology

  Reproductive Health Training Center                  Moldova

Reproductive Health Training Center uses a novel service delivery model for women and girls in rural Moldova that allows self-management of medical abortion (MA) with remote guidance from a provider. Women seeking MA will receive counselling from an obstetrician/gynecologist via a videoconference and will subsequently obtain medication at a participating pharmacy. Follow-up to confirm MA success and assess satisfaction with the service will also be remote. Upon demonstrating the feasibility, effectiveness and acceptability of telemedicine MA services in Moldova, Reproductive Health Training Center will seek to integrate the model into the national public healthcare system.


Mifepristone 50 mg as a Contraceptive

  Women on Web                 Georgia

Women on Web International Foundation’s innovation is a non-inferiority clinical trial in Georgia, comparing the contraceptive use of weekly mifepristone with the daily use of desogestrel, an alternative non-estrogen contraceptive. The trial aims to establish the efficacy, safety and side-effects of mifepristone as a weekly contraceptive. The long-term goal of the innovation is to register and market mifepristone as a contraceptive and to have this indication included on the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List.


Novel mHealth solution for self-managed abortions for Venezuelan women

  Vitala Global Foundation               Venezuela

Vitala Global Foundation develops and tests an integrated mobile health tool that can facilitate self-management of medical abortion for Venezuelan women living in a fragile setting. The goal of this tool is to guide women through self-assessment of abortion eligibility and abortion success, send automatic text messages to provide support, and include information for referral clinics if needed. Following the principles of user-centered design, Vitala Global Foundation will (i) facilitate interviews with target beneficiaries, engage community-based organizations, abortion experts and mobile application developers; (ii) conduct usability testing for potential designs/prototypes; and (iii) conduct a study with Venezuelan women to evaluate the mobile tool.


HER VOICE: Augmenting vulnerable Kenyan girls and women with disability access to safe abortion services through a disability friendly mobile outreach model and home based support services

  Women Spaces Africa               Kenya

Innovator Story: Innovating Safe Abortion Access for Women with Disabilities

Women Spaces Africa develops and tests an outreach strategy that trains community health workers with disabilities in Nairobi to become peer educators. The peer educators will conduct community outreach and home visits to women and girls with disabilities and will engage the women and girls in training on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), specifically medical abortion. The training will also integrate economic empowerment skills, and group lending will be established to support income-generating activities. Furthermore, the women and girls with disabilities will design materials for a disability-friendly text hotline and braille educational communication materials on medical abortion and SRHR. These materials will be distributed to resource centers for people with disabilities, and health care providers will also be trained on disability-friendly medical abortion.


Missed Period Pill: Expanding access to fertility control in Senegal

  Gynuity              Senegal

Gynuity Health Projects explores the feasibility of and develops a strategy for a new user-controlled method to help women and girls manage missed menses. Gynuity will also explore the possibility of expanding access to combipacks through the indication of early pregnancy loss.


Mobile Connect – An integrated mHealth intervention to address unsafe abortion among female sex workers in Vietnam

  Center for Promotion of Advancement of Society             Vietnam

Center for Promotion of Advancement of Society delivers sexual reproductive health education to female sex workers in Vietnam using technology and by delivering peer-provided services. Mobile Connect, will provide interactive short messaging services (SMS) and tele-counseling to share information on unwanted pregnancy, safe abortion, stigma reduction, and safe services. Trained peer educators will provide the women interested in participating with education, counseling and referrals to specialist abortion services when needed. Center for Promotion of Advancement of Society will also develop and test digital counseling tools for providers to deliver friendly abortion care.


Development of new abortion medications by using existing medications in new ways

  Gynuity            United-States​

Gynuity Health Projects assesses existing medications to identify alternative safe and effective abortifacients. Gynuity will conduct a comprehensive literature review of each medication to assess the potential effectiveness, the possible barriers to development and the likelihood to fill market gaps. In consultation with an advisory group, Gynuity will then conduct a preliminary dosing and safety study with the most promising candidate.