
Increased access to safe abortion in Armenia

  Armavir Development Center                 Armenia

Armavir Development Center is developing a mobile application for all types of cell phones to provide individualized and confidential consultations for women in rural communities of Armenia seeking safe abortion. Through the app, women connect to a call center which links them to gynecologists for safe abortion care, psychologists for mental health support, and/or legal specialists for advice and assistance, depending on their needs. Women seeking an abortion have the choice of visiting a clinic or waiting for medical staff to visit their village. Doctors follow-up with patients through phone calls and the app to confirm the success of the abortion. The innovation will roll out in 100 rural communities and will reach women who were previously out of reach and underserviced.


Building a network of Solidary Pharmacists for safe abortion in rural communities of Oaxaca, Michoacán and Guerrero

  Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A.C. (Mexfam)               Mexique

Mexfam trains and sensitizes pharmacists in Oaxaca, Michoacán and Guerrero to be frontline providers of abortion care. The training program enables pharmacists to directly provide accurate information on the use of misoprostol for safe abortion and to improve attitudes towards women seeking abortions. To support women seeking these services, Mexfam trains women in the communities to be “companions” who accompany women to participating pharmacies. They provide information about safe abortion, in conjunction with youth peer educators who communicate anti-stigma messages throughout their communities, which increases awareness and demand for these services.


Community Self-managed menstrual regulation with pills in Sindh Pakistan

  Peace Foundation                Pakistan

Peace Foundation addresses the supply and demand of self-administered safe menstrual regulation options in 120 rural villages. To improve supply, Peace Foundation trains and equips sellers at sales outlets with medication, information, counselling aids, and referral mechanisms for safe menstrual regulation and self-injected methods for family planning. These outlets are established at grocery stores, women-run shops and by donkey cart vegetable sellers. Health service providers and pharmacists assist women and girls with more complicated cases referred by the sellers, and are also involved in improving the supply of medications to local chemist shops. Peace Foundation will simultaneously address demand by disseminating information on misoprostol to women and girls, sensitizing village leaders, and conducting edutainment activities.


Frontline actors initiative (FAI)

  Contact Trust Youth Association (CTYA)               Zambia

Innovator Stories: Mercy’s Journey of Resilience and Hope

Contact Trust Youth Association (CTYA)’s innovation increases knowledge and awareness of safe abortion services among 1500 adolescent girls and young women in 10 schools in rural Zambia. CTYA trains teachers to provide safe abortion information and to support pregnant students who choose to access safe abortion and counseling services by linking these students to CTYA’s helpline and to service providers. Additionally, CTYA trains pharmacists and health care providers to deliver adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services. The ultimate goal is for wide scale integration of safe abortion teacher training into the Ministry of Education’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum.


Pilot End-to-End Referral System to Increase Female Migrant Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care

  The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand Under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother (PPAT)               Thailand

PPAT’s innovation establishes a community-based end-to-end referral system for comprehensive abortion care and other sexual and reproductive health services for female migrant workers in Thailand. This includes a hotline call center operating in three migrant languages for referrals to safe abortion care as well as roundtrip transportation services from the migrant sites to safe abortion clinics in Bangkok. After receiving abortion care, trained migrant community health volunteers and medical staff work together to follow up with the women and girls through a home visit or telephone calls. Additionally, an educational outreach program aims to dispel stigma and improve knowledge and awareness of safe abortion services amongst migrant worker communities.


The ‘SAFE NEST’ PROJECT- “Enabling Safe Self-Managed Abortion for Transgender Youth through facebook messenger bot”

  Women Promotion Centre                 Kenya

Women Promotion Centre uses technology to facilitate abortion service delivery for transgender youth. Through a secure online platform called Safe Nest, the innovation provides safe, non-judgmental, self-managed abortion services and information. Trained volunteer Trans* Connectors work hand-in-hand with service providers to create awareness and provide referrals and direct distribution of medical abortion medications. After youth’s self-managed abortion, medical personnel follow up with them remotely to ensure that the treatment was successful. Additionally, Trans* Connectors refer youth to trans youth-friendly providers of other reproductive health services.


Acompañando a las mujeres: legal and safe self-managed abortion


PROSER will introduce the legal sale of mifepristone through pharmacies in 10 municipalities in central Colombia to provide a legal, affordable and safe option for self-managed abortion. The project is supported by a network of medical professionals who prescribe abortion medication (mifepristone/misoprostol) after a health risk assessment. With a prescription, women can access the medication at their local pharmacy in person or by delivery. After taking the medication, the doctor follows-up via telephone to verify the result of the treatment. Information on abortion care is also disseminated though educational materials, including information on this new option of legal self-managed abortion.


Induced Luteal Regression as a Novel Approach for Pregnancy Termination

  Oregon Health and Science University                      United States

Oregon Health and Science University seeks a novel medical abortifacient by identifying gene targets to block progesterone production during the first trimester. This will be conducted through database and laboratory research exploring existing medications which act on these targets. The ultimate goal of the project is to identify a new low-cost and accessible abortion method option.


“Las Warmis”: ICT and audio technology innovation to enhance women’s access to safe information on medical abortion

  Colectiva por la Libre Información para las Mujeres                  Peru

Colectiva por la Libre Información para las Mujeres (CLIM) de-stigmatizes and de-medicalizes access to safe abortion information in Peru by developing and testing a feminist audio collective focused on this topic. Women from local grassroots organizations will be trained in audio production content during seven-day audio collective workshops held in three regions. Additionally, CLIM will develop short testimony-based radionovelas, short audio messages and 30-minute talk show programmes. All recordings will be available on the internet and Spotify, and will be shared free-of-charge through WhatsApp and Telegram groups.


Medical abortion by telemedicine or standard care in South Africa: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial 

  University of Cape Town                     South Africa

University of Cape Town is conducting a randomized clinical non-inferiority trial in South Africa to compare the efficacy, safety and acceptability of a telemedicine option for medical abortion to standard abortion care. Participants will be women requesting an abortion early in gestation. They will either receive standard care, which includes an ultrasound and in-person counselling, or telemedicine counselling through Women on Web´s online application SafeAbortion with no ultrasound provided. In both groups, the community health centers will provide the basic physical exam, the abortion medication, and the success of the abortion will be confirmed with a clinical symptom list and pregnancy test.