
Creating a Community Based Self Sustaining Ecosystem for Improving Abortion Access

  Greenstar Social Marketing Pakistan         Pakistan

Innovator Story: Pioneering Accessible SRHR in Pakistan 

Greenstar Social Marketing Pakistan aims to decentralize abortion care and create an enabling environment that is safe and accessible for clients through community health workers (Sitara Baji) houses – a designated confined home-based solution. The Sitara Baji’s home will be converted to a Sitara House and become a community health hub for women and girls. The Sitara Bajis will be recruited and trained to deliver a holistic self-care package, including medical abortion, family planning, menstrual health and hygiene, mental health awareness, breast self-examination and pregnancy testing. The homes will as well offer primary health education and screening (such as health communication materials, weighing scales, blood pressure monitors and pregnancy testing kits) and be stocked with misoprostol, emergency contraceptive pills, condoms and sanitary pads. Tablets with 24/7 connectivity to a physician will be provided to Sitara Bajis, in case needed to help guide misoprostol administration and education on self-care packages. Additionally, Sitara Bajis will engage in outreach activities with community members and stakeholders to increase awareness and generate trust.


Setting the stage for regional scaling up of medical abortion via telemedicine in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

  Reproductive Health Training Center           Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Moldova

Reproductive Health Training Center aims in the current project to conduct formative research to assess the feasibility of extending the use of telemedicine medical abortion services to five Eastern European countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan). The telemedicine model has been successfully implemented in Moldova and is now seeking scale-up and implementation in the surrounding countries to increase access for abortion services. Working groups in each country were formed and helped to identify and collect data from relevant stakeholders related to MA service delivery barriers and the potential for MA telemedicine provisions. The innovation is now in process to operationalize the provision of MA via telemedicine in Kyrgyzstan, one of the five target countries.


Accelerating abortion self-care through digital direct-to-consumer models

  Reproductive Health Network Kenya             Kenya

Reproductive Health Network Kenya, in partnership with Ipas Africa Alliance, seeks to build on the successes of the ‘Nurse Nisa’ digital application to upgrade the platforms to include three new features to increase access to medical abortion further.
1. Connecting users with qualified-service providers and pharmacists to provide online or in-person prescriptions offer electronic payment options and the ability to mail medical abortion drugs within a 24 hours dispatch period to clients.
2. Integrate the WHO gestational age calculator for pharmacists and clients to support the confirmation of gestational age and decision-making
3. Integrate a digital accompaniment tool to provide step-by-step information on medical abortion self-care administration and psychosocial support through personalized conversations.
The innovation is in partnership with Ipas Africa Alliance, the developers of the ‘Nurse Nisa’ platform.


Using Machine Learning to improve access to safe abortion services among vulnerable populations

  William J Clinton Foundation              India

Innovator Story: From Fear to Acceptance: Supporting Young Women’s Reproductive Choices in Rural India 

The William J Clinton Foundation seeks to reduce the incidence of unsafe abortions by equipping Community Health Workers – public sector Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) – with the tools to identify and target at-risk women to increase their awareness of safe abortion methods and SRH. To identify at-risk women, a risk tool powered by AI and data will be developed in partnership with Surgo Venture. ASHAs will be provided with a paper-based format of the tool to help them assess women in their catchment areas on abortion risk factors. Following the identification of women from high-risk segments, ASHAs will be trained to provide tailored messages, aided by printed IEC material, to address knowledge gaps and unsafe behaviours.


Sailing the Boat, Sailing the Hope: SRHR counseling and information

  OPTions 6           Indonesia

OPTions 6 addresses the challenge of access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for women and girls in remote islands of Indonesia. OPTions 6 conducts educational workshops for women and girls on sexual and reproductive health. OPTions 6 also trains healthcare and community health providers to involve in a referral system supported by their hotline. This referral system links girls and women to services including counseling on sexual and reproductive health care. In cases of emergency, women and girls can access transportation to primary healthcare facilities by a boat owned and managed by local community women.

Increasing early access to SRHR through rights-based user centred…

Increasing early access to SRHR through rights-based user centred approaches at the community level

  The Population Council            Kenya

The Population Council’s innovation increases early access to quality sexual and reproductive health services and rights through rights-based user centered approaches at the community level.




Confidential innovation.


Advancing Community Based Access to safe abortion in urban slums, Nigeria

  OPTions 3             Nigeria

OPTions 3 decreases unsafe abortion for Adolescents Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in urban slums in Nigeria by engaging them in high-quality confidential peer counselling and increasing access to reproductive health services. OPTions 3 trains project operatives comprised of AGYW, female artisan clubs, shop owners, and female headed maternity homes to provide peer-to-peer counseling in dedicated safe spaces, as well as safe abortion and other reproductive health services. Working with public and private suppliers of abortion products and contraceptives, OPTions 3 strengthens community-wide capacity to stock and dispense these products. To ensure sustainability of the intervention and as an incentive to participate, OPTions 3 trains one in four project operatives in entrepreneurship and supports these individuals to operate as mobile money agents as a means of diversifying their revenue stream.


Developing new methods and devices for later abortion

  Consultants in Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasonography and Surgery, PLLC
Ethiopia, United States, and Mexico

The Dupont Clinic innovation evaluates three devices in different countries to improve the provision of later safe abortion. Three provider sites in Mexico, Ethiopia, and the United States will develop and implement these new methods: Lidocaine for fetal demise, DuPont Cannula, and a novel cervical dilation device. Patient and provider feedback will be provided by the sites, and will cover a range of facility sizes and patient populations. The combination of these technologies will make later abortion safer, simpler, and more feasible in most settings.


Improve health for ethnic minority women and girls through enabling access to safe, friendly abortion services at community level in Vietnam

  Microfinance and Community Development Institute               Vietnam

Microfinance and Community Development Institute (MACDI) implements community and school-based awareness campaigns and uses a new mobile app to increase women and girls’ knowledge and access to safe abortion in Vietnam. The mobile app will provide safe abortion information as well as chat-enabled safe abortion advice and referrals from health care experts. The app also integrates a micro-loan function for health-related purchases including safe abortion, health insurance and health examinations, and to enable access mobile phones. MACDI will also conduct training for health workers at both public and private health facilities.