

Quality-assured mifepristone as emergency contraception: A next generation option for an existing abortion pill

  Concept Foundation    Argentina, Ethiopia, Ghana, Netherlands, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, and Switzerland

Concept Foundation seeks to expand the regulatory pathway of mifepristone an as emergency contraceptive in low- and middle-income countries, exploring pathways to bring mifepristone as a quality-assured, low-cost, over the counter emergency contraceptive to market. Concept Foundation will prepare a data package to demonstrate mifepristone can be registered using existing evidence, supported by an advisory committee. Once the data package is finalized, Concept Foundation will meet with regulatory authorities and agencies to establish pathways to register mifepristone as a quality-assured emergency contraceptive product.



The investment case for a novel letrozole-misoprostol medical abortion combipack

  Concept Foundation     Switzerland

Concept Foundation aims to demonstrate if a quality assured letrozole and misoprostol regimen for MA will serve as an affordable alternative treatment to the existing MA regimens and will increase access to safe medical abortion in low- and middle-income country markets. Concept Foundation will establish an investment case, providing information for decision making towards product development for letrozole as an abortifacient with misoprostol.



Pilot End-to-End Referral System to Increase Female Migrant Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care

  The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand Under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother (PPAT)               Thailand

PPAT’s innovation establishes a community-based end-to-end referral system for comprehensive abortion care and other sexual and reproductive health services for female migrant workers in Thailand. This includes a hotline call center operating in three migrant languages for referrals to safe abortion care as well as roundtrip transportation services from the migrant sites to safe abortion clinics in Bangkok. After receiving abortion care, trained migrant community health volunteers and medical staff work together to follow up with the women and girls through a home visit or telephone calls. Additionally, an educational outreach program aims to dispel stigma and improve knowledge and awareness of safe abortion services amongst migrant worker communities.