

Using Machine Learning to improve access to safe abortion services among vulnerable populations

  William J Clinton Foundation              India

Innovator Story: From Fear to Acceptance: Supporting Young Women’s Reproductive Choices in Rural India 

The William J Clinton Foundation seeks to reduce the incidence of unsafe abortions by equipping Community Health Workers – public sector Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) – with the tools to identify and target at-risk women to increase their awareness of safe abortion methods and SRH. To identify at-risk women, a risk tool powered by AI and data will be developed in partnership with Surgo Venture. ASHAs will be provided with a paper-based format of the tool to help them assess women in their catchment areas on abortion risk factors. Following the identification of women from high-risk segments, ASHAs will be trained to provide tailored messages, aided by printed IEC material, to address knowledge gaps and unsafe behaviours.



Medicinal Plants with Abortifacient Activity from Ayurvedic Medicine

   RoshniAgriBiotech                       India

RoshniAgriBiotech assesses medicinal plants used in India as traditional Ayurvedic medicine with potential to induce abortions. RoshniAgriBiotech will first review the literature to identify the medicinal plants. The use of these plants as abortifacients will be further assessed by interviewing folk medicine practitioners, and a shortlist of the five most promising candidates will be investigated. Standardized extracts of these plants will be assessed for their medicinal profile by using various laboratory techniques, and those showing potential abortifacient properties will be further tested. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a pill from medicinal plants that is scientifically validated, cost-effective and acceptable to marginalized rural women in India.



Menstrual Regulation and Post Abortion Care on Outreach

  Marie Stopes International                   Bangladesh

Marie Stopes International (MSI) tests efforts to provide Menstrual Regulation (MR) services and post-abortion care through outreach programs across government Family Welfare Centers (FWCs) in three remote districts in Bangladesh. Trained MSI paramedics will rove between the centers to provide this care. Family Welfare Assistants will be trained on values clarification and outreach information provision, and providers at FWCs will be trained on the management of medical emergency cases that may arise. The paramedics will follow up with patients by phone and provide follow-up care at FWCs, including post-abortion family planning and cervical cancer screening to ensure comprehensive care.