Community Based Opportunity desk for Safe Pregnancy Termination services in Bangui
Voix Pour Les Femmes d’Afrique Centrale (VPFAC)
Central African Republic
VPFAC aims to increase access to safe pregnancy termination information and services (MA and MVA), particularly for women and girls who have experienced gender-based violence. Nurses and midwives will be trained on safe pregnancy termination services, post abortion care and the legal framework governing pregnancy termination. The trained providers will be responsible for operating community-based opportunity desks (sites within existing clinical facilities) to provide safe pregnancy termination services, counselling, post pregnancy termination care and family planning services. Trained community health task force agents will provide education and outreach activities through village based mobile clinics. These activities will include 1:1 education sessions, workshops, community gatherings, and radio shows to raise awareness on available safe abortion services and the abortion legal framework, as well as to break stigma around pregnancy termination. 150 local leaders will also be engaged to support community awareness raising efforts.